
This page contains examples on how to use the API.


AioHTTP/Wand Example:
# in a coroutine

import io

# this example will be using wand but you can use any
# image manipulation library
from wand.image import Image
# this example will also be using aiohttp but you can use
# any library
import aiohttp

# start a session
session = aiohttp.ClientSession()

with Image(filename="test.png") as image:
    # Save the image to a bytes buffer
    bytes_io = io.BytesIO()
    image_data = image.save(bytes_io)

    # post the bytes buffer to the invert endpoint
    async with session.post("http://base_url.com/api/v0/invert", data=bytes_io) as resp:
        # this is when you get the image data back. from here you can do whatever with it
        # but in this example we are going create a new image class with it
        with Image(blob=(await resp.read())) as output_image:
            # do something with output_image